Esteemed Sir,
I beg to be excused for wishing to draw your attention to below facts, based on your reply message to my close friend Mr. Yuksel Oktay on Dec.18, 2009, regarding Resolution 316.
A- As a researcher and author, I call your attention to the reality that your proposal # 316, is completely contradictory to the previous joint US Senate-Congress Resolution no. 192, dated 22.4.1922, which you can readily reach at below link, and which does not bear a single word of atrocities committed by Turks and clearly confirms that 1.414.000 Armenians were alive on 31.12.1921.
Given the fact that the Armenian population confirmed by French-Armenian authorities on 1.03.1914 was to be 1.280.000 in the Ottoman Empire, I would like to have a reasonable explanation as regards how you can have 1.500.000 people killed in 1915 and still have a balance of 1.414.000 alive at the end of 1921. See: Free-E-Book-Near-East-Relief
. . .
B. Your attention is also called to the Report of General Harbord resolved unanimously by the US Senate-Congress in 1920
Your special attention is also called to the Annex of the subject report, “Atrocities” which you can find in US National Archives # 184.021/175 and bring an explanation to the following sentence written therein::
“…Armenians massacred Mussulmans on large scale with many refinements of cruelty and Armenians are responsible for most of the destruction to towns and villages….”
C. My book, which is a compilation of some 2000 excerpts from anti-Turkish or neutral sources, Can Be Readily Downloaded Here. If you would download and read the documents enlisted in the list of ANNEXES at the very bottom, you will need no further proof:
Esteemed Senator, I am afraid that you have been mislead by distorted or fabricated grand-ma tales which have no historical, judicial or logical evidence. I and the blog site of “Turkish Armenians” are in an effort of exposing TRUTH and normalization of the “all time friendly relations between DECENT people, Turks and Armenians or others”.
The interest of diaspora Armenians may not serve our purpose. Such an understanding may not serve their long time continued antagonism either.
I will be pleased to hear from you, if you can prove where I am wrong, based on valid documents.
I express my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hope that you will have the courage to look into the documents I herewith submit
Cordially Yours,
Sukru Server Aya - Istanbul - Turkey .
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