From the early days of the American Republic, Protestant Christianity and the American values which derived from it have had a heavy influence on U.S. for-eign affairs. The initial 19 th century missionaries to Anatolia in the Ottoman Empire were highly-educated men steeped in Calvinistic and American values. In the period 1830-1880, when American official representation was slight and generally confined to Constantinople, information about activities in Anatolia came largely from the missionaries who were scattered across the region, living in towns and regularly visiting scores of villages in their mission areas. Their reports, letters, articles, lectures, and books profoundly shaped the views of policy makers and have influenced policies and opinions to this day.
Who these missionaries were, what uniquely American values they took with them overseas--rule of law, democracy, equality of citizens and respect for their “in-alienable” rights, including freedom of conscience--how they reacted and then. . .
Direct Link: Faith, Freedom, And Flag The Influence Of American Missionaries In Turkey On Foreign Affairs, 1830-1880 , Shelton Elizabeth
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