Project title: European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing and Reclaiming Free and
Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems
Project duration: April 2010 - March 2013
EU funding: approx. 2.65 million Euro
1. Introduction
2. Historical background
3. The media landscape in Turkey
3.1 Print and broadcasting media
3.2 News agencies
3.3 Online media
3.4 Minority and alternative media
4. The media regulatory framework in Turkey
4.1 Actors of media policy and regulation
4.2 Structural regulation
4.2.1 Licensing rules
4.2.2 Ownership regulations
4.3 Content regulation
4.3.1 Constitutional framework
4.3.2 Legislative framework
4.3.3 Cultural and political pluralism in the media
4.3.4 Non-legal restrictions on the media: the executive and the media
5. Media policy and democratic politics: an assessment . . .
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