Again came April; and from everywhere and by all possible and impossible forms of communication my dear fellow Armenians have begun their annual lamentations that the Turks killed them. I do not know what Genocide hysteria will bring in the future, but I know what it has brought today.
Everywhere we are seen as a pitiful, broken, morally and psychologically oppressed and massacred and impotent community, which for just those reasons is not capable of self-governing itself or have democracy.
The reconstruction of events that occurred close to one-hundred years ago is a complex process if, of course, you are skilled in the intellectual processes of critique and analysis. If you are not, then it is very easy. You simply allow your teachers and the authorities to drill their ideas into you, and then you have full knowledge. . .
It is natural for the majority to adopt this brainwashing - it is the easier way out. After all, who would feel like wasting precious time thinking for themselves when those whom the Politburo has already designated as wise, intelligent and knowledgeable have already spent and are spending much time addressing those issues?
It is an illness not limited to us - Armenians. Instead of elevating the spirit of victory like the Americans, British, Russians, and many others do, our (and Jewish) government inculcates us with the images of massacre and genocide. That is done with the purpose of not noticing the genocide taking place at this very moment - the emigration that reaches alarming proportions, the erosion and universal demoralization in the Diaspora and the Homeland.
Armenians worldwide do not mourn the memories of those being killed now by the self-designated mob, or the fate of our fellow Armenians who are murdered or degraded daily in Russia, or the emigrants who try in every way to stay in Europe or the US. The latter have opted to endure a multitude of humiliations, but under no circumstances wish to return to the Homeland, where the population is steadily declining.
We have consigned to naught and oblivion the thousands of our imprisoned fellow Armenians the world over. A significant number of them are slandered and helpless, while our so-called government has not taken a single step nor is prepared to take any measures to protect them.
It is allowed to degrade, imprison, violently assault, spiritually and physically oppress, and kill our own fellow Armenians. Directly or indirectly, all of our failures are explained through Turks and Ottomanism, through the damages incurred by their actions - but never as a result of Bolshevism, Communism, KGB-ism, the culture of under-handedness and Oligarchism, tribal egocentrism, fanaticism, and worst of all, through provincial obscurantism and ignorance.
The worldwide pursuit of the century old phantoms to escape the gravest issues and responsibilities of the present time has become our only business.
Washington, D.C., 16 April 2009
Everywhere we are seen as a pitiful, broken, morally and psychologically oppressed and massacred and impotent community, which for just those reasons is not capable of self-governing itself or have democracy.
The reconstruction of events that occurred close to one-hundred years ago is a complex process if, of course, you are skilled in the intellectual processes of critique and analysis. If you are not, then it is very easy. You simply allow your teachers and the authorities to drill their ideas into you, and then you have full knowledge. . .
It is natural for the majority to adopt this brainwashing - it is the easier way out. After all, who would feel like wasting precious time thinking for themselves when those whom the Politburo has already designated as wise, intelligent and knowledgeable have already spent and are spending much time addressing those issues?
It is an illness not limited to us - Armenians. Instead of elevating the spirit of victory like the Americans, British, Russians, and many others do, our (and Jewish) government inculcates us with the images of massacre and genocide. That is done with the purpose of not noticing the genocide taking place at this very moment - the emigration that reaches alarming proportions, the erosion and universal demoralization in the Diaspora and the Homeland.
Armenians worldwide do not mourn the memories of those being killed now by the self-designated mob, or the fate of our fellow Armenians who are murdered or degraded daily in Russia, or the emigrants who try in every way to stay in Europe or the US. The latter have opted to endure a multitude of humiliations, but under no circumstances wish to return to the Homeland, where the population is steadily declining.
We have consigned to naught and oblivion the thousands of our imprisoned fellow Armenians the world over. A significant number of them are slandered and helpless, while our so-called government has not taken a single step nor is prepared to take any measures to protect them.
It is allowed to degrade, imprison, violently assault, spiritually and physically oppress, and kill our own fellow Armenians. Directly or indirectly, all of our failures are explained through Turks and Ottomanism, through the damages incurred by their actions - but never as a result of Bolshevism, Communism, KGB-ism, the culture of under-handedness and Oligarchism, tribal egocentrism, fanaticism, and worst of all, through provincial obscurantism and ignorance.
The worldwide pursuit of the century old phantoms to escape the gravest issues and responsibilities of the present time has become our only business.
Washington, D.C., 16 April 2009